Development setup
Create a local development environment
Clone the Rancher Turtles repository locally
Create tilt-settings.yaml:
{ "k8s_context": "k3d-rancher-test", "default_registry": "", "debug": { "turtles": { "continue": true, "port": 40000 } } }
Open a terminal in the root of the Rancher Turtles repository
Run the following:
make dev-env # Or if you want to use a custom hostname for Rancher make dev-env
When tilt has started, open a new terminal and start ngrok or inlets
kubectl port-forward --namespace cattle-system svc/rancher 10000:443 ngrok http https://localhost:10000
What happens when you run make dev-env
A kind cluster is created with the following configuration.
Cluster API Operator is installed using helm, which includes:
Core Cluster API controller
Kubeadm Bootstrap and Control Plane Providers
Docker Infrastructure Provider
Cert manager
Rancher manager
is installed using helm. -
tilt up
is run to start the development environment.