Create & Import Your First Cluster
This section will guide you through creating your first cluster and importing it into Rancher Manager. Two alternative methods for cluster provisioning are presented: using a GitOps workflow with Fleet and manually applying the manifests via kubectl
Rancher Manager cluster with Rancher Turtles installed
Cluster API providers installed for your scenario - we’ll be using the Docker infrastructure and RKE2 bootstrap/control plane providers in these instructions - see Initialization for common providers using Turtles'
Provision a CAPI Workload Cluster
GitOps using Fleet
Manually using kubectl
Configure your Fleet repository
To simplify the process of cluster provisioning, we will be using a series of pre-configured examples that you can find in the repository By inspecting the contents of this repository, you will find:
A clusters folder, which is where the manifests are stored.
cluster1.yaml is the CAPI workload cluster definition.
fleet.yaml is used to specify the configuration options for Fleet. In this case it’s declaring that the cluster definition should be added to the
If you prefer, you can create your own Fleet repository using the same base structure. |
Use Rancher UI to add your Fleet repository
Now the cluster definitions are committed to a git repository they can be used to provision the clusters. To do this they will need to be imported into the Rancher Manager cluster (which is also acting as a Cluster API management cluster) using the Continuous Delivery feature (which uses Fleet).
Go to Rancher Manager
Select Continuous Delivery from the menu:
Select fleet-local as the namespace from the top right
Select Git Repos from the sidebar
Click Add Repository
Enter clusters as the name
Get the HTTPS clone URL from your git repo
Add the URL into the Repository URL field
Change the branch name to main
Click Next
Click Create
Click on the clusters name
Watch the resources become ready
Select Cluster Management from the menu
Check your cluster has been imported
Create your cluster definition
To generate the YAML for the cluster, do the following:
Open a terminal and run the following:
export CLUSTER_NAME=cluster1 export CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT=1 export WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT=1 export KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.30.0 curl -s | envsubst > cluster1.yaml
View cluster1.yaml to ensure there are no tokens. You can make any changes you want as well.
Create the cluster using kubectl
kubectl create -f cluster1.yaml
Watch the resources become ready
Select Cluster Management from the menu
Check your cluster has been imported
Mark Namespace for auto-import
To automatically import a CAPI cluster into Rancher Manager there are 2 options:
Label a namespace so all clusters contained in it are imported.
Label an individual cluster definition so that it’s imported.
In both cases the label is
This walkthrough will use the first option of importing all clusters in a namespace.
Open a terminal
Label the cluster’s namespace in your Rancher Manager cluster:
kubectl label namespace capi-clusters
A namespace (or cluster) can be marked for auto-import at any time: before or after the cluster has been created. |
To prevent a cluster from getting stuck in deletion when Fleet is removed, keep auto-import enabled in the UI or avoid manually removing labels in the cluster’s namespace, as Turtles will no longer handle the 'import' functionality from that point onward. |