Chart Configuration

For the up-to-date content of values.yaml source file, refer to the Rancher Turtles repository.

Rancher Turtles values

When installing Rancher Turtles using the official Helm chart, it is possible to configure a number of feature flags. This is a comprehensive list of the available values and their usage:

      enabled: false # indicates whether day 2 operations functionality is enabled (default: false).
        enabled: false # indicates whether ETCD backup/restore experimental functionality is enabled (default: false).
      enabled: true # indicates whether the fleet addon provider is installed (default: true).
      enabled: false # use CA certs stored in Rancher when importing CAPI clusters.
      enabled: false # indicates whether ClusterClass operations functionality is enabled (default: false).

The list has been truncated to show only the configurable feature flags. Other fields with the rancherTurtles key are automatically set when a chart is released.

Nested feature flags take effect when their parent feature flag is enabled. For example, the rancherTurtles.features.day2operations.etcdBackupRestore.enabled flag takes effect only when the rancherTurtles.features.day2operations.enabled flag is set to true.

Cluster API Operator values

Rancher Turtles uses the Cluster API Operator Helm chart to install this dependency, and any values passed to Helm with the cluster-api-operator key are passed along to the Cluster API Operator chart in order to customize its installation.

A full set of available values for the Cluster API Operator can be found in the operator values.yaml.

Currently the available set of values for the cluster-api-operator setup in the rancher-turtles:

  enabled: true # indicates whether CAPI operator is installed (default: true).
  cleanup: true # indicates whether CAPI operator resources are cleaned up on uninstall (default: true).
    enabled: false # indicates whether cert-manager is installed (default: false).
    enabled: true # indicates whether core CAPI controllers are installed (default: true).
      name: "" # (provide only if using a user-managed secret) name of the config secret to use for core CAPI controllers, used by the CAPI operator. See docs for more details.
      defaultName: "capi-env-variables" # default name for the automatically created secret.
      namespace: capi-system
      imageUrl: "" # image URL to override the image for a provider.
      fetchConfig: # (only required for airgapped environments).
        url: ""  # url to fetch config from, used by the CAPI operator. See docs for more details.
        selector: ""  # selector to use for fetching config, used by the CAPI operator.
      enabled: true # indicates whether RKE2 provider for Cluster API is installed (default: true).
      version: "" # version of Cluster API Provider RKE2 (CAPRKE2) to install.
      bootstrap: # CAPRKE2 Bootstrap Provider.
        namespace: rke2-bootstrap-system
        imageUrl: "" # image URL to override the image for a provider.
        fetchConfig: # (only required for airgapped environments)
          url: ""  # url to fetch config from, used by the CAPI operator. See docs for more details.
          selector: ""  # selector to use for fetching config, used by the CAPI operator.
      controlPlane: # CAPRKE2 Control Plane Provider.
        namespace: rke2-control-plane-system
        imageUrl: "" # image URL to override the image for a provider.
        fetchConfig:  # (only required for airgapped environments)
          url: "" # url to fetch config from, used by the CAPI operator. See docs for more details.
          selector: ""  # selector to use for fetching config, used by the CAPI operator.