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Version: 0.11

Via Helm install


In case you need to review the list of prerequisites (including cert-manager), you can refer to this table.

If you want to manually apply the Helm chart and be in full control of the installation.

The Cluster API Operator is required for installing Rancher Turtles and will be installed as dependency of the Rancher Turtles Helm chart.

CAPI Operator allows handling the lifecycle of Cluster API Providers using a declarative approach, extending the capabilities of clusterctl. If you want to learn more about it, you can refer to Cluster API Operator book.


Before installing Rancher Turtles in your Rancher environment, Rancher's embedded-cluster-api functionality must be disabled. This includes also cleaning up Rancher-specific webhooks that otherwise would conflict with CAPI ones.

To simplify setting up Rancher for installing Rancher Turtles, the official Rancher Turtles Helm chart includes a pre-install hook that applies these changes, making it transparent to the end user:

  • Disable the embedded-cluster-api feature in Rancher.
  • Delete the mutating-webhook-configuration and validating-webhook-configuration webhooks that are no longer needed.

If you would like to understand how Rancher Turtles works and what the architecture looks like, you can refer to the Architecture section.


If uninstalling, you can refer to Uninstalling Rancher Turtles

Install Rancher Turtles with Cluster API Operator as a Helm dependency​

The rancher-turtles chart is available in and this Helm repository must be added before proceeding with the installation:

helm repo add turtles
helm repo update

As mentioned before, installing Rancher Turtles requires the Cluster API Operator and the Helm chart can handle its installation automatically with a minimum set of flags:

helm install rancher-turtles turtles/rancher-turtles --version v0.11.0 \
-n rancher-turtles-system \
--dependency-update \
--create-namespace --wait \
--timeout 180s

This operation could take a few minutes and, after installing, you can take some time to study the installed controllers, including:

  • rancher-turtles-controller.
  • capi-operator.
  • For a list of Rancher Turtles versions, refer to Releases page.

This is the basic, recommended configuration, which manages the creation of a secret containing the required CAPI feature flags (CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY, EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET and EXP_MACHINE_POOL enabled) in the core provider namespace. These feature flags are required to enable additional Cluster API functionality.

If you need to override the default behavior and use an existing secret (or add custom environment variables), you can pass the secret name helm flag. In this case, as a user, you are in charge of managing the secret creation and its content, including the minimum required features: CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY, EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET and EXP_MACHINE_POOL enabled.

helm install ...
# Passing secret name and namespace for additional environment variables

The following is an example of a user-managed secret with CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY, EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET and EXP_MACHINE_POOL feature flags set and an extra custom variable:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: variables
namespace: rancher-turtles-system
type: Opaque

For detailed information on the values supported by the chart and their usage, refer to Helm chart options