📄️ Introduction
Rancher Turtles is a Kubernetes Operator that provides integration between Rancher Manager and Cluster API (CAPI) with the aim of bringing full CAPI support to Rancher. With Rancher Turtles, you can:
📄️ Rancher Setup
Installing Rancher
🗃️ Install Rancher Turtles
2 items
🗃️ Your first cluster
3 items
🗃️ Using ClusterClass
2 items
📄️ Air-gapped environment
Rancher Turtles provides support for an air-gapped environment out-of-the-box by leveraging features of the Cluster API Operator, the required dependency for installing Rancher Turtles.
📄️ Uninstall Rancher Turtles
This gives an overview of Rancher Turtles uninstallation process.